Welcome To Our Craft Business
Buddy Mentoring Program
Hi! My name is Jennifer Gormly, and if you have just joined our program and this if your first visit to our site, welcome!
Let me explain how your membership will help you!
Every week, you will receive an eclass filled with detailed information on the steps you need to take to build your successful craft business.
Now, I must tell you, success means different things to different people. It might be an amount of income you wish to earn each week, a particular lifestyle you dream of, the ability to make a difference or even to live a creative life.
Whatever your measure of success, we are here to help you achieve your dreams!
Your Eclasses
Your first eclass will arrive very soon by email. If you can’t wait that long to get started, here is the link to your first eclass.
White Listing Our Emails To You
Please make sure you “White List” or “Safe List” our email address: [email protected] Otherwise your email provider may mistakenly block our emails. If this happens, you will not receive your eclasses.
Wishing you much success,
Jennifer Gormly